Make the most of your college experience by joining a club! It’s a great way to connect with others, explore new interests, and build skills outside the classroom. Whether you’re passionate about a hobby, a cause, or just want to meet new friends, there’s a club that’s right for you. To join or find out more, reach out to the sponsoring staff — we’d love to help you get involved and make this semester one to remember!

List of Clubs & Organizations

Support community through dental services.

Sponsoring Staff: Fernanda Perry

Support the community through patient services.

Sponsoring Staff: Vicky Wesner

To build relationships within the automotive restoration community while exploring various jobs, processes, and methods used in the industry.

Sponsoring Staff: Kiel Rhodes

To increase intentional engagement and connect minoritized males to resources, services, and opportunities designed to strengthen student outcomes.

Sponsoring Staff: J. Dwayne Garnett and James Carr

To support nursing education and student development in providing high-quality healthcare, offering programs that address core nursing interests, and fostering professional and personal growth for holistic patient care.

Sponsoring Staff: Jamie Ferguson

Empowers individuals to enhance their public speaking skills, build confidence in professional and social settings, and communicate effectively. Through a supportive environment, our club fosters personal and professional growth, helping members develop the skills needed to engage, inspire, and succeed in any speaking opportunity.

Sponsoring Staff: Gregg Parr & Shirley Rijkse

To provide socializing and network opportunities for student Veterans and those who are military affiliated.

Sponsoring Staff: Jennifer Dillon

To study God's word and discuss the deeper meaning of life. The CRU Club also organizes a campus National Day of Prayer event as well as social events.

Sponsoring Staff: Ginger Harris Bartholomew

Focuses on serving local communities by engaging, equipping, and empowering coaches and athletes to unite, inspire and change the world through the gospel.

Sponsoring Staff: Thadd McElreath & Brad McDougald

Connects students to HR resources, industry insights, and professional networks. Membership includes access to expert tools, skill-building opportunities, and local professional chapter connections. Please contact Sponsoring staff for more information. 

Sponsoring Staff: Shirley Rijkse

To provide students with training and resources for learning about electronics.

Sponsoring Staff: Sandy Castonguay

To explore, practice, and communicate mathematical concepts, especially advanced or lesser-known topics beyond the standard classroom curriculum.

Sponsoring Staff: Cody Maddux

Recognize academic achievement and foster leadership, scholarship, service, and fellowship among students through community engagement, academic workshops, and leadership opportunities, while offering resources for scholarships, transfer support, and personal growth.

Learn more about PTK

Sponsoring Staff: Sarah Shannon-Mohamed

Assist 在线电子游戏网赌 students who are considering majoring in Psychology when they transfer to a 4-year university. The third most popular major in US colleges and universities is Psychology. Many students graduate not knowing what they want to do with their major. At 在线电子游戏网赌 we are helping students who are interested in a psychology degree to prepare for a successful college experience and career when they graduate. 

Sponsoring Staff: Tim Barnes & Dave Malenick

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